yeedi vac maxレビュー:妥当な価格で印象的なスマートバキューム

Yeedi Vac Max

MSRP $370.00

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DT Recommended Product

“A robust companion app, adjustable suction levels, and an affordable price make this robot vacuum an enticing option.”


  • Affordable price
  • Automatically adjusts suction levels
  • Powerful smartphone app
  • Option to set restricted zones


  • Easily stuck on obstacles
  • Lackluster mopping abilities

Robot vacuums have come a long way over the past few years. No longer are consumers limited to high-end models that cost close to $1,000, as multiple companies have thrown their hats into the ring and are providing surprisingly efficient products for half the cost of their competitors.


  • Powerful specs, affordable price
  • Using the powerful Yeedi app to map your home
  • Not the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Our take

The Yeedi Vac Max is one such robot vacuum. Listed for just $370 (and often on sale for much less), the budget-conscious product is billing itself as a powerful cleaning solution that punches above its MSRP. After putting the Vac Max through its paces over the last month, the robot vacuum has proven to be a reliable product — although there’s certainly room for improvement.

Powerful specs, affordable price

One of the most shocking aspects of the Yeedi Vac Max is its spec list. Whether you’re looking at battery life or suction power, the list is indicative of a product that should carry a much larger price tag. Here’s a closer look at what your $370 is buying.

  • 3000Pa suction power with multiple power levels
  • Functions as both a vacuum and mop
  • Automatic power level adjustments
  • Customizable home map using a smartphone app
  • Ability to add virtual boundaries to your home
  • 5200mAh battery for about three hours of continuous use
  • Compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant
  • One-year warranty

Using the powerful Yeedi app to map your home

Before you can have your robot cleaner whizzing around your house, you’ll first need to go through a rather lengthy setup phase. This process sees you connecting Yeedi to your home Wi-Fi network and installing the app on your smartph1. With that out of the way, Yeedi will then roam every corner of your home as it maps out your living space.

While this is going, you’ll have a lot of downtime to explore the smartphone app — and you’re going to need it. The Yeedi app covers just about all bases. Whether you’re looking to set up scheduled cleaning times, monitor the location of your smart vacuum, adjust suction power, or modify other cleaning preferences, you can do it all from your phone.

You can also set up virtual boundaries, which prevent Yeedi from venturing into sensitive areas of your home. The feature was an absolute lifesaver, as the Vac Max had a tendency to get hung up underneath my desk or when trying to clean between barstools. With just a few seconds of tapping away on the app, I was able to throw down virtual boundaries that prevent the smart vacuum from wandering into locations where it’s bound to get stuck.

After about a half-hour of mapping out my downstairs living space, Yeedi was ready for a full debut.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed

Unfortunately, that’s when things started to get a bit shaky. While mapping out my home, I found Yeedi backtracking and retracing its steps multiple times — something I thought was only part of the mapping process. However, that seems to be standard operating procedure. Even after a month, I still find Yeedi recleaning the same part of the home multiple times, while other locations are left undisturbed. The areas didn’t seem to be particularly dirty (some robot vacuums will cover the same area twice to ensure a thorough cleaning), so it left me wondering why Yeedi was giving it a second pass. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it is a bit frustrating.

Since Yeedi has a tendency to get stuck on objects (just like every smart vacuum), you’ll need to make sure your floor is free of toys, clothing, shoelaces, or other small items that can cause it to stumble. Yeedi has some decent pep in its step, but I’ve often found it hung up on small dog toys that I assumed it would sense as an obstacle and avoid. Instead, it likes to act as a bulldozer. Objects will then get tangled in its brush or prevent the vacuum from moving — at which point, you’ll get an alert that Yeedi needs to be reset.

Mopping is also a bit haphazard. Clipping and unclipping the mopping pad is a simple enough procedure (and there’s an option to limit Yeedi to just mopping) but it’s just one more thing to babysit if you want Yeedi to both mop and vacuum — I’d rather Swiffer the floor myself while Yeedi takes care of the carpet.



Yeedi Vac Maxは、驚くほど堅牢な小さなロボットの真空です。すばらしいスマートフォンアプリ、洗練されたデザイン、スペックを価格タグをはるかに上回っているため、時間を節約するガジェットは、少なくとも紙の上ですべての適切なボックスをチェックします。実際のテストは、特に障害物の検出とその手順の後退により、Yeediにいくつかの問題をもたらしました。これらはどちらも契約breakerではありませんが、あなたが大きな家を持っていて、ロボットが何時間も掃除機をかけるのを聞きたくない場合、それらは考慮すべきことです。







Yeedi Vac Maxと同じ価格帯で何かを探している場合は、Eufy Boostiq Robovac 30を検討してください。250ドルの値札を持ち、気の利いたコンパニオンアプリを提供し、表面に基づいて吸引力を適応させます。 2000paの吸引力しか得られません(Vac Maxを使用した3000paと比較して)、そのセンサーはYeediと同じくらいうるさいことがあります。

もう少し堅牢なものを探している人は、ニートボットヴァックD8のために湧きます。 600ドルで販売されていますが、タイトなスポットできれいにするのに役立つユニークなD字型のシャーシ、制限付きゾーンをマッピングする能力、0.7Lの破片を保持できる大きなダストビンの恩恵を受けることができます。

yeedi vac 2 pro 脱ぎっぱなしの洋服もケーブルも回避!手拭きの5倍以上の振動で水拭き&自動ごみ収集のハイスペックロボット掃除機。これ完璧かも





短い答え?はい。 Yeedi Vac Maxは、その価格を考えると素晴らしい製品です。マッピングおよび検出システムはもう少し堅牢になる可能性がありますが、強力なスマートフォンアプリ、調整可能な吸引レベル、およびMOPを兼ねる能力は、クラスのトップ近くに置かれます。掃除が始まる前に、家に慎重に準備するようにしてください。そうしないと、イーディがジャムから出るのを助けることを余儀なくされます。
